Home Featured Articles Featured Articles Why Orthodoxy is growing? By Dennis Prager

Why Orthodoxy is growing? By Dennis Prager

Why Orthodoxy is growing? By Dennis Prager

As almost every Jew knows by now, according to major reports on American Jewry — such as the most recent and most highly regarded Pew report — Orthodoxy is growing, while Conservative and Reform Judaism are shrinking.

Before presenting my explanations, I think it important to note that I have no denominational ax to grind. I was raised Orthodox, and went to yeshivas through the end of high school. But I left Orthodoxy early in life and have always been involved in Jewish life — Conservative, Reform, Orthodox, Chabad, Jewish federations and writing for Jewish publications.

In a nutshell, I wish all Jewish endeavors well.

I believe that Orthodoxy is prevailing and that the non-Orthodox denominations are diminishing for the following reasons:

For the complete  article  please click here

By Dennis Prager

Courtesy of the Jewishjournal.com


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