Home News Cuba Raúl Castro To Step Down As Leader Of Cuba’s Communist Party

Raúl Castro To Step Down As Leader Of Cuba’s Communist Party

Raúl Castro To Step Down As Leader Of Cuba’s Communist Party
Raul Castro, Cuba's Communist Party Chief. (File).

On Friday, Raúl Castro said he would resign as the leader of Cuba’s Communist Party, signaling a close to more than six decades of Castro family rule.

The Washington Post reports, “Sixty-two years after a band of revolutionaries set Cuba down the path of confrontation with Washington – and unleashed waves of exiles that reshaped American cities – the last of the Castro brothers, towering figures of the Cold War, announced he will surrender official power.”

According to the outlet, “Fidel Castro’s younger brother has hinted for a decade at an expiration date to his public life,” but the 89-year-old “said he would step down as first secretary of the Communist Party.”

Castro made the announcement during a speech on the first day of the Communist Party’s eighth congress. NBC News reported Castro said he had “fulfilled his mission” and was “confident in the future of the fatherland.”

“Nothing, nothing, nothing is forcing me to make this decision,” said Castro. “I believe fervently in the strength and exemplary nature and comprehension of my compatriots, and as long as I live, I will be ready with my foot in the stirrup to defend the homeland, the revolution and socialism with more force than ever.”

(Daily Wire).



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