Home News Israel VP Pence: Trump Deciding How and When to Move US Embassy To Jerusalem

VP Pence: Trump Deciding How and When to Move US Embassy To Jerusalem

VP Pence: Trump Deciding How and When to Move US Embassy To Jerusalem

VP Pence: Trump Deciding How and When to Move US Embassy To Jerusalem

Written by Yona Schnitzer/TPS on November 28, 2017

The United States is actively considering “when and how” to move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, Vice President Mike Pence said Tuesday at an event hosted by the Israeli mission to the United Nations in New York to commemorate 70 years to UN Resolution 181, the Partition Vote that paved the way for the creation of the State of Israel.

“As we speak, the president is looking into how and when to move the Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The Congress and the administration have both expressed their will to move the embassy,” Pence said at the Queens Museum which served as UN headquarters in 1947 when the original vote took place.

“President Trump is also committed to finally bring peace to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” Pence continued. “As President Trump has said, ‘we want Israel to have peace,’ and in recent months, we have made valuable progress toward that noble goal. And while compromise will be necessary, you can rest assured – President Trump will never compromise the safety and security of the Jewish state of Israel. President Trump has made clear that under this administration, America once again stands with our allies and stands up to our enemies.”

During the event, the Queens Museum was recreated to replicate the UN General Assembly Hall of 1947 including replicas of the tables, chairs, UN podium and map backdrop.  A special audio-visual reenactment of the historic vote was projected in the hall and the traditional ‘Hora’ dance was performed following the vote’s ‘approval.’

“Seventy years ago, in this very room, in these very seats where you are sitting today, the dream of the Jewish people of 2,000 years came true,” said Israel’s UN Ambassador Danny Danon.  “In 1897 Theodor Herzl dreamed of the impossible, in 1947 the Jewish people realized the impossible and today 2017, seventy years later, the modern State of Israel has made the impossible, possible,” Danon continued.

Addressing the participants, World Jewish Congress President Ambassador Ronald Lauder said, “In 1947, the Jewish people accepted the division of their ancestral land in order to live side by side with their Arab neighbors…. They understood the realities of living in a new era, and they accepted that they could not have it all. But the Arab people did not. They did not accept the partition in 1947, and 70 years later, too many still do not accept it.”


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