“We have so much to teach, so much to share, so much light to shine upon a world that needs it – perhaps now more than ever before. Most Jewish groups – right and left – don’t wish to own that. Chabad is a rare exception.”
On May 26, Chabad of the Conejo honored world renowned radio talk show host and author Dennis Prager with the “Voice of Courage Award”. In introducing his dear personal friend of over 30 years, Rabbi Moshe Bryski praised Dennis Prager’s vast impact on hearts and minds around the world via all forms of media. “We should be thankful that there are voices of reason, intelligence, clarity, eloquence, persuasion and courage – like that of Dennis Prager’s – speaking out strongly and unapologetically for universal morals and values, for Jewish principles and ideals, and for the rightness of Israel’s cause,” said Rabbi Bryski.
In his acceptance, Prager went on to explain how everything he now does in his career as a broadcaster, writer and commentator are informed by his Jewish roots and the Yeshiva education he received as a young man growing up in Brooklyn.
“Why would G-d choose us at Sinai and give us the Torah only for us to keep it a secret from the world?… The non-Jewish world has no problem with Jews who talk openly and proudly about what our tradition has to say. In fact, they expect it and respect it. It’s when Jews – who they know to be the Chosen People – try to hide from their Judaism that they are offended. We have so much to teach, so much to share, so much light to shine upon a world that needs it – perhaps now more than ever before. Most Jewish groups – right and left – don’t wish to own that. Chabad is a rare exception.”