Home Featured Gad and Benny Elbaz – Shmor – Music Video Perpetuates Holocaust Legacy – Featuring Saul Dreier

Gad and Benny Elbaz – Shmor – Music Video Perpetuates Holocaust Legacy – Featuring Saul Dreier

Gad and Benny Elbaz – Shmor – Music Video Perpetuates Holocaust Legacy – Featuring Saul Dreier

Holocaust survivors build bridges with children an ocean away in “Shmor,” an emotional music video starring Gad Elbaz and survivor Saul Dreier, by Director Daniel Finkelman.

The legacy of the Holocaust lives on in Shmor, an emotional music video that has survivors building bridges with children an ocean away, tasking them with perpetuating the memory of the darkest time in the history of the Jewish people.

Featuring Gad ElbazBenny Elbaz and the Holocaust Survivor Band’s Saul Dreier, Shmor gives the viewer a glimpse of life through Dreier’s eyes, recalling the horrors of the Holocaust during a visit to Yad Vashem and sharing the joy of life as he walks the streets of Jerusalem. Distributing childhood photographs given to him by survivors at Yad Vashem with youngsters at the Glencove Holocaust museum, the 95-year-old Dreier passes on to them the responsibility of ensuring that the memory of the Holocaust lives on in future generations.

A Sparks Next production Directed by Daniel Finkelman and co-directed by Aharon Orian and Chaya Greenberg, Shmor is set to the timeless words of the Tachanun.

A haunting plea for the surviving remnants of the Jewish nation to be granted divine protection, Shmor is an original composition written by Cecelia Margules.

“As the number of Holocaust survivors dwindles with every passing year, it is more important than ever that we take steps to pass the torch to the next generation, wherever they maybe,” said Finkelman. “Our children are our future and we look to them to keep that flame alive so that the lessons of the Holocaust and the memories of those who are no longer with us will never be forgotten.”


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