Home News Israel Two Israelis Killed in Jerusalem Shooting Attack

Two Israelis Killed in Jerusalem Shooting Attack

Two Israelis Killed in Jerusalem Shooting Attack
Jerusalem Terror Victims Yosef Kirma and Levana Malihi

Two Israelis Killed in Jerusalem Shooting Attack

Written by Michael Bachner/TPS on October 09, 2016

Jerusalem (TPS) – Police have confirmed the identities of the two fatalities from Sunday’s terror attack in Jerusalem: Twenty-nine-year-old Jerusalem police officer Yosef Kirma, and Levana Malihi, a civilian in her 60s.

Kirma will be laid to rest Thursday at 5:30 p.m. at the police section of the Mount Herzl military cemetery. He is survived by his wife of four months, parents and two brothers.

Kirma and Malihi were killed and six people wounded when a 39-year-old man from the Silwan neighborhood of eastern Jerusalem opened fire at a Jerusalem train station, and later at police officers who had pursued him.

Jerusalem Police said the man approached the area of the National Police Headquarters and opened fire at a bus stop for the Jerusalem light rail, near Ammunition Hill. He then fled the scene in the direction of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. Police and Border Police forces gave chase, and the man opened fire near the Tomb of Simeon the Just, killing Kirma and lightly wounding another officer. The forces returned fire and killed the terrorist.

The gunman was reportedly arrested multiple times in the past for incitement on the Temple Mount. Reports also indicate that he was scheduled to begin a four-month prison sentence today (Sunday).

two others were moderately and lightly hurt.

In addition to the fatalities, six people were treated at area hospital, including a woman who was evacuated to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in stable condition with light-to-moderate wounds, and a 28-year-old man who was taken to Hadassah University Hospital – Ein Kerem in moderate condition. Two others were treated for shock.

“We received a call about a terror incident and called out our emergency teams. They responded immediately and found a shooting incident near the Ammunition Hill Jerusalem light rail station,” said Avi Hovav of Magen David Adom. “As we were treating the wounded we heard that another attack was underway, in the Shimon Hatzadik neighborhood and understood that it was a two-pronged attack.

“The Red Crescent Society also took part in evacuating victims,” Hovav said.

Andrew Friedman contributed to this report.


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